Author: Nat

Aug 23, 2009 by

Loose Id: Selkies

Loose Id got back to me about the selkie story a couple of days ago. They said they really liked it, but it’s not quite what they’re looking for. However, with a rewrite they’d love to see it again.  There’s no major changes, though I think I’m going to include a new scene, and I’m hoping to get it back to them by Christmas.

Aug 18, 2009 by

Competition Submissions

Note for self, as much as anything:

Ruin and Pluvial are with Aesthetica.

3×50 word bits are with miniWORDs.

I need to write 2x25word bits for Hint Fiction before the end of the month. (Done)

Also, unlimited x 100 words on “Living on an Alien World” for  The Drabber by the end of the month. (Done)

(also, need to print out anthology contract at work and get that sent off ASAP)

Aug 18, 2009 by

Foody Friday: Five-a-Day Ice-Creams

I can’t not share this:  Science Ponders Zombie Attack. The scientist in question has a ? in his name. If I didn’t know better I’d think it was an April Fool’s or a mock-up page (like the Cambodian one from 2005 or the now missing H1Z1 one from earlier this year), but apparently the Beeb is as excited about zombie research as the rest of us!

I promised you fruit ice-creams, and I’ve slipped a nut and a vegetable in too for posting so late. The final selection next week will be sorbets and ices.

Continue Reading

Aug 17, 2009 by

Dance Camp East

So, as you may have gathered I’m back from the wilds of Suffolk. I’m still a little hippied up – the world yesterday was full of lovely loveliness, and I’ve retained quite a lot of that positivity – and have had three very late nights in a row, so I’m a bit dizzy with it all. It always takes a while to readjust to the real world after DCE. There’s no constent pot of tea and the difference between living in a circle with thirty other people and living in a house of two (one of whom is actually in Suffolk herself, visiting family!).

Anyway, camping

9 1/2 days of sunshine out of 10. A sky clear enough to see the milky way. Dancing like a mad thing ’til three am to the sound of drums. Homemade hot tubs under the stars and saunas before bed. Outdoor showers and compost loos. Cooking for thirty people on an open log fire. Learning to swing dance, relearning the can-can, recognising the playford dancing*, attempting belly dancing and going to a creative writing group. Fetching wood and water daily. Sewing buttons onto a piece of material to spell “Sublime”**. Continue Reading

Aug 16, 2009 by

Acceptance: Swan Made

I had every intention of posting about camping when I got back, but that’s on hold for the second because while I was away I got an email from EM Lynley about the Fairy Tales anthology. Acceptance! And a lot of patience considering my attempts to make gmail out-of-office failed 🙂