Tagged: submissions

Jul 6, 2011 by


Today was awesome, in a completely failtastic way.

It started, as most days start, with waking up. Sunburnt and sore. Whoops.

I mosied downstairs, drank some tea, nattered to my sister, and, um. Discovered we’d locked ourselves out of the bathroom. And by ‘we’ I’m 80% sure I mean me. Neither of us are dressed yet, which means not only have we deprives ourselves of the loo, but also the shower, deodorent, toothbrushes and so on. We tried jimmying the lock with cardboard, but my sister’s bathroom door is badly hung. We tried begging a ladder off the neighbours, but none of them had one. So we gave up and went to Tesco’s, to use their loos and buy mouthwash and deodorant.

Once we’d attempted to make ourselves smell acceptable we went to Newquay, to the acquarium where my sister volunteers. It was cool – we saw them feed the turtle (it’s blind, so it’s one of the only permanently resident turtles in the UK), the octopus, the cuttlefish and the sharks. There were baby cuttlefishes, which are the most adorable things ever. I awwed at them a lot and took fuzzy photos on my phone. This was the non-fail part of the day, though the fact my phone won’t upload the photos to twitter is a little faily.

We tried to have lunch on the beach, but it rained, which not only made the sandwiches soggy and also put a dampener on our plans to go swimming. We went for a cream tea instead.

Anyway, we collected my sister’s frogs, which the acquarium had agreed to babysit, and some surplus guppies, and came home. Hence, if anyone follows my twitter, the ‘frog between my thighs’ tweets. 🙂

My sister’s boyfriend had kindly borrowed a ladder from his dad and broken into the bathroom while we were out, so it was showers all round when we got back. After which we went out for dinner. Well, we tried. I was promised a meadery, staffed with wenches, with meat you eat with your fingers.

I was not promised a meadery that only opens Thursday-Sunday.

You know, there’s fuck all places to eat in Redruth.

We had dinner at the cinema (of course!) and we’re now back at home, with wine, mead, port and chocolate brownie cake.

I know it sounds like I’m whining, but I actually quite enjoyed today. These things are much funnier when they happen to you. And, hey, I got to go behind the scenes at an acquarium. How awesome is that?

(also, yesterday, after I posted, I went swimming in the sea, and then got a ride on a Vespa! You have no idea how happy that made me)

Jul 5, 2011 by

I’m on holiday. Honest.

There is a place reserved in the special hell for people who cut down trees and leave six inch stumps hidden in five foot bracken.

I’m on holiday at the moment. My sister moved to Cornwall earlier this year, and if there’s anywhere I associate with summer holidays it’s Cornwall. There’s a reason Tease is set there. Anyone following my twitter has been treated to a great deal of squee about the sea. If I’m ever not excited about seeing the sea, worry for me.

Anyway, my sister says come on down for your birthday. She says she volunteers at the local aquarium. She says would I like to come volunteering with her.

Guess where I spent the day?

Stomping bracken on the coast near St Ives.

Yeah, it wasn’t what I had in mind either. Okay, so she did give me some warning, but she hadn’t been before either.

There’s also a place in the special hell for people who give vague directions, which result in the five of us stomping bracken at a 50 degree angle on the side of a cliff all morning, and only finding the bracken we were meant to stomp after lunch. But fortunately, what with us being awesome, we did both the 50 degree slope and the relatively flat (but full of tree stumps) area.

Tomorrow we’re going to the aquarium. Apparently.

Jun 20, 2011 by

Monday Motivation

The Guardian takes a look at Harper-Collins’ new deal with Sainsburys, and aren’t terribly impressed. It’s not a bad article, but it decends into snobbery at the end. And stealing insults from Capote.

Animals on the Underground tickles me. Well, what else are you going to do when your train’s late and you’re stuck in a tunnel that’s older than London’s sewer system?

I saw X-Men: First Class a couple of weeks ago, and found it problematic but hugely entertaining (like what seems like most of the internet). Even better, it’s inspired a ton of awesome x-men related posts around the internet. Like Fucking Magnetos – How Do They Work? over at Overthinking It (a new favourite blog). Geeky science! io9 proves that the X-men have the crappiest lives. Marvel.com, meanwhile, have put a ton of their old cartoons online, including The Animated Series, Evolution and Wolverine and the X-men. And a load of others, of course, but what can I say? I’ve been an x-girl since my stepdad gave me all his old comics and I got to plow through the Phoenix Saga and the Hellfire Club and Days of Future Past.

Jun 18, 2011 by

Fae Awareness Month

You guys know I like selkies, right? I mean. You’re here. You’ve read Tease, or considered it (hopefully).

So I was chuffed to bits when KVTaylor asked me to review two selkie films for Fae Awareness Month. Ondine and The Secret of Roan Inish are charming, lyrical films that I’d recommend to anyone who can understand a strong Irish accent. Hope over and check my review out 🙂

Jun 6, 2011 by

Motivation Monday

Why Privacy Matters – what’s so interesting about this article is it nails, for me, the problem in a single example: cancer. The ‘nothing to hide’ argument presupposes the only reason you’d want to hide something is because you’ve done something wrong. Serious illnesses are something people commonly want to keep private for reasons that are entirely separate to guilt and wrongdoing. How would you feel about the government knowing you had cancer before you told your family? How would you feel about that information being part of a profile somewhere you can’t access it? How would you feel if the government had misinterpreted the data (a phone call to a cancer clinic, the purchase of a book about healthy diets for those on chemo, an account ot a wig shop, and so on and you didn’t actually have cancer, but they assumed you did? Privacy isn’t just about surveillance, but interpretation.

Mapping the Human Condition – Seven maps from various sources that attempt to represent the human mind. Cartographical categorisation!

Fae Awareness Month has kicked off. Guess what I’m reviewing? Double bill of selkie films on the 17th!

Space Girl by Charmax is an awesome music video, showcasing women in Sci Fi and the various roles they’ve played.