Motivation Monday
Why Privacy Matters – what’s so interesting about this article is it nails, for me, the problem in a single example: cancer. The ‘nothing to hide’ argument presupposes the only reason you’d want to hide something is because you’ve done something wrong. Serious illnesses are something people commonly want to keep private for reasons that are entirely separate to guilt and wrongdoing. How would you feel about the government knowing you had cancer before you told your family? How would you feel about that information being part of a profile somewhere you can’t access it? How would you feel if the government had misinterpreted the data (a phone call to a cancer clinic, the purchase of a book about healthy diets for those on chemo, an account ot a wig shop, and so on and you didn’t actually have cancer, but they assumed you did? Privacy isn’t just about surveillance, but interpretation.
Mapping the Human Condition – Seven maps from various sources that attempt to represent the human mind. Cartographical categorisation!
Fae Awareness Month has kicked off. Guess what I’m reviewing? Double bill of selkie films on the 17th!
Space Girl by Charmax is an awesome music video, showcasing women in Sci Fi and the various roles they’ve played.