Motivation Monday, redux

May 17, 2010 by

I was going to post and say, you know, sorry for not posting and I’ll post again soon. And I figured if I had time to log on and say that I had time to post probably and do some links.

It’s taken me an hour to find the links. I have a new phone (it has internet! and eBooks! And GPS! and calls and texts and stuff like that too, apparently) and I may have accidentally deleted them. But I’ve found them now.

Anyway, reasons for radio silence? Still back-and-forthing on edits for the selkie story (officially: Tease), and my real life job has just been thrown into flux. I knew it was coming, but now I’m looking at reapplying for it and applying for other and how far I’m willing to move and what for.

Publishing: Google launches it’s own online store with Google editions, and manufacturers show of colour eReaders with video

InsPiring: Easily the best names ever.

Interest-Piquing: Alternative Voting Systems for choosing an Alternative Voting System. Proportional Representation is under much discussion in the UK right now. The LibDems want it, the parties who got into power under First Past The Post don’t, funnily enough. It’s not the only option, though.

Procrastination: Scandanavia and the World


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