Motivation Monday

Sep 19, 2011 by

These are getting more and more sporadic, and I really have no excuse any more. Well, I have a kind of excuse, but I’m not sure he’d be happy being used as such ^_^

Anyway, have some links! A bit of a science theme at the moment, since I’ve been indulging my inner geek.

Close up of dinosaur feathers trapped in amber. You can see how the feathers evolved. I was watching Inside Nature’s Giants the other week, in which they dissected a cassowary. Did you know cassowaries have claws at the end of their wings*? Proof in both directions that dinosaurs and birds are related.

My new favourite toy. The scale of the universe. Zoom in and out to compare existence on the macro and micro scales. This has had me spouting geeky quark puns on twitter all week. (I swear up and down I find the flavours of quarks strangely charming, from the top to the bottom of my heart)

I’ll let this video speak for itself:

(go to Youtube for more info and more videos)

If you like sciency stuff, I usually try and contain my geekery to my tumblr, Just, you know, if you wanted to follow it 🙂

*of which it’s really hard to find a photo. It’s a wing with a claw on the end, internet! How are you not all over this?


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